Liz Waterman (Mon, 22 Aug 2005 12:16:34 PDT)

Hi Ken,
Do they get enough light? They may need full sun in your area. Perhaps
you could store them in a more frost free place for the winter and move
them out in the spring. It seems a shame to give up on such a lovely
plant. Five gallons does seem a bit on the small side.
I have one small group of Hedychium gardenarium almost breaking out of
a 15" x 15" x 15" container flowering now well ahead of one group in
the ground that is just showing buds. All are about 5 feet tall give or
take a foot or 2. Some others (perhaps hybrids) in the ground in a
shadier and drier spot are almost finished blooming. I can't figure out
why the strange blooming order. None of them dies down in the winter.
I cut them back somewhat.

Boyce Tankersley wrote:

Hi Ken:

I've not had any luck flowering Hedychium in containers. Last time I saw them flower well was in Galveston where they were very late fall bloomers.


It freezes down in the fall, starts growth relatively late in the
spring, then grows quickly to about three feet tall, and stops. Eventually
it starts new shoots from the base, which may get to full height before
freezing, or may not. Right now, in mid August, it has about 6-8 sprouts
coming from the base, perhaps 6" long/tall. It seems unlikely it will
flower this year either. For the last 3-4 years it has been in a large
(5 gallon) pot, so it can get an earlier start in the spring and not freeze
down so early in the fall, but that hasn't helped. It also has a pan under
the pot, so it isn't stressed for water
Unless someone has some helpful suggestions, this probably will
be the last year for this plant here. I doubt that I will try different
in the future, given the lack of success with this one.

Ken Z7 Oregon

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