Amazing Pokeweed
Graham Rice (Mon, 15 Aug 2005 08:55:55 PDT)

I've heard it said that the berries were used by native Americans as
a fish poison... can anyone confirm that?

Also, does anyone know to what extent the rather startling variegated
form, 'Silberstein', comes true from seed? A few weeks ago I found
another variegated form, with cream sectorial variegation, rather
than the speckling of 'Silberstein'. It remains to be seen if its
proves stable...

I think this may be my first posting on this list, although I've been
following the fascinating exchanges for some time. I'm a British
garden writer now spending much of my time in PA.

Graham Rice
PA zone 5/6

In a message dated 8/15/2005 11:33:17 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I have a friend who used to invite friends in each spring to try his boiled
pokeweed. There are those who say it's as good as asparagus.

The site I read said it needed to be boiled twice before it can be safely
Jim's remarks about his childhood and pokeweed reminded me that we used to
gather the berries in a jar and let them make "ink" too. I always have some
pokeweed coming up here someplace or another. It can be a rather handsome
Bill Lee
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