
Kathy Stokmanis
Mon, 29 Mar 2004 15:25:00 PST
Mary Sue, I look at all the pictures when people announce a new posting unless I am really pressed for time.  I also refer to the wiki several times a week for pictures and information about plants I've come across.  I don't ever mention it and  I should.  I deeply appreciate the knowledgeable and generous people who participate here, maintain the list, post pictures on the wiki and otherwise contribute.  I know that a lot of time and effort goes on behind the scenes in order for all of this to happen. (Frankly, not being a botanist or a Latinist sometimes the pictures are the only part I completely comprehend)

Kathy Stokmanis
Northern California, zone 8/9, Mediterranean, where Narcissus bulbocodium 'Golden Bells' has been putting on the prettiest display for a week, now.  Most other daffodils are finished, as are most of the muscari.  Scilla peruviana will soon be in bloom, as well as the big alliums and dichelostemma.  The dogwoods are blooming, what a beautiful time of year.

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