On Wednesday night one of the members brought a bunch of Iris lazica to our local Alpine Garden Society Group meeting, and commented that it was doing particularly well this year. I could only agree, as my biggest patch was a solid mass of lilac, looking splendid, although growing in a terrible shady place. Perhaps it looks good now that the clump has expanded into a circle with the middle more open, so the flowers can rise up clear of the foliage. I have several clones, acquired over the years, differing rather slightly; the one doing so well this week was the poorest one, banished to a corner! The great thing about this plant is that it tolerates shade and ordinary garden conditions, unlike I unguicularis, where a warm site is wanted for its untidy tufts. Here it flowers sporadically from January onwards, and then has a burst of flower about now. The leaves are usually quite neat, although I suppose the tips can get tatty, but hardly worse than any other Iris - NOT a genus noted for its beauty of foliage, although there are a few exceptions (I. confusa and allies, and some of the variegated ones are OK). John Grimshaw Dr John M. Grimshaw Garden Manager, Colesbourne Gardens Gardens Cottage Colesbourne Nr Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 9NP Website: http://www.colesbournegardens.org.uk/