New photos on wiki

Mary Sue Ittner
Sun, 21 Mar 2004 07:16:32 PST
Hi All,

The page that Angelo created for Helicodiceros is especially worth a look 
as his text with accompanying pictures is very informative.…

It has been my observation that there are times when the ibiblio links 
don't work. Perhaps it is lot of traffic, or maintenance or who knows what. 
I have on occasion reported this to ibiblio.  Since the support team is 
very busy, I don't always get a response for 5-7 days and by then the 
problem usually is resolved. My advice is if you can't get through try it 
again in an hour or two and most of the time it works later.

When I checked the link that Angelo reported didn't work just now, it 
worked for me. On the other hand the search archives link on the top of the 
archives page usually doesn't find anything. I'll put in words that are in 
our archives and get no matches. I have reported it more than once and when 
the support team finally answers they report it works for them and they 
don't see what the problem is. I check and it still doesn't work. Every now 
and then it does work however so in this case most of the time you won't 
get a match no matter what you type, but on rare occasions you will. I 
usually put in my name since I know I have posted a lot. This morning it is 
working (1056 matches--ouch) so if any of you have always wanted to search 
the archives by word today may be the day to do it.

Mary Sue
PBS List Administrator, Wiki Worker, TOW Coordinator (Whew!)

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