Self-sowers in Central Texas include: Gaillardia strain 'Lorenziana' which can seed all over its flowerbed, and which comes in every sort of color and doubling effects. Viola tricolor Tradescantias Penstemon tenuis - a soft violet blue and P.cobaea Texas betony, Stachys coccinea - spires of red trumpets numerous rainlilies Philippine lily Ornamental peppers and an antique strain of Pseudocapsicum Crinum bulbispermum Sunflower 'Silver and Gold' Maximilian daisies - Helianthus maximilianus Lantana trifolia - violet berries are good about germinating, although the ordinary varieties are not Rudbeckias of various sorts Coleus Elsholtzia ciliata - a Vietnamese lemon-flavored herb And don't forget larkspur - every seed that hits the ground germinates The many basils - dill - cilantro and celery, although parsley, etc do not Garden mustard, Sooyo cucumbers and Basella or garden spinach. And, finally, not really a weed but a very pervasive plant, chickweed (Stellaria media). It's really a valuable garden occupant because it is extremely useful in the diet of young birds in the spring. If canary breeders ran out of everything else, entire broods of chicks could be grown on chickweed. It was also diced and served up to young turkeys and chicks and part of their beginning diet. Although it is sometimes rather smothering, it is valuable. Cynthia W. Mueller College Station, Tx Zone 8b-9