New Iris Classification

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 10 Mar 2004 08:05:55 PST
Dear All,

With a start from Mark Mazer and an extra hour or so from me here is an 
html version of what I uploaded to the wiki yesterday in html format. It's 
a much smaller file without diagrams but I substituted text for them. It 
will however take more pages if anyone decides to print it out because 
there are no colummns. It is dangerous editing something you don't know or 
understand but this is as much time as I'm willing to spend on this so if 
there are mistakes I am sorry.…

Please someone write me privately and tell me that you couldn't get the old 
one and can get this one so I'll feel this was worthwhile.

I think Mark McDonough (Allium) has some competition here for a complicated 
genus. Maybe the Scilla gurus were just trying to make their lives simpler 
by breaking that genus down into many genera with just a few species.

Mary Sue

PBS List Administrator, Wiki Worker, TOW Coordinator (Whew!)

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