Bellonia Tabrizianus

John Grimshaw
Fri, 12 Mar 2004 06:29:38 PST
There is a mix-up here: as Paul Tyerman says, Belonia is a shrubby member of
the Gesneriaceae. What is being referred to here is Bellevalia tabrizianus,
which is described by Brian Mathew in 'Smaller Bulbs'. He says it was 'an
attractive little species' once 'quite well-known in cultivation, but is now
rather rare'. 5-10 cm tall. 3-4 narrow linear leaves, short dense racemes of
small, bell-shaped flowers 6-7 mm long, blue, white or lilac-blue. Native of
NW Iran, region of Tabriz in dry stony places 'best grown in a bulb frame or
alpine house'. Brian says 'has been known as a Hyacinthus  and Hyacinthella'
[curiously, because there should be no confusion between a Bellevalia and

John Bryan puts it into synonymy with Hyacinthus litwinowii, but it is clear
from Brian Mathew's account that the two taxa are quite distinct, although
both are from Iran. Perhaps Joakim can tell us what it looks like.

I should have thought that a fine paintbrush dabbed around inside the
flowers to pick up pollen and transfer it to another plant's stigmas should
effect pollination quite well. Cross-pollination between clones would be the
ideal. I would like some seed, if set, please Joakim!

John Grimshaw

Dr John M. Grimshaw
Garden Manager, Colesbourne Gardens
---- Original Message -----
From: "Joakim Erson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 12:40 PM
Subject: [pbs] Bellonia Tabrizianus

> I wrote a few days ago trying to check whether anyone would be interested
> seeds from Bellonia Tabrizianus. I havent heard anything from anyone yet.
> Anyway, wanted to give you another chance. If I dont hear anything, I WILL
> NOT pollinate it. I do not enjoy stressing my plants if it´s not
> However, It´s a great plant, and quite rare, I think. It is interesting in
> having jumped between genera ( namely Muscari, Hyacinthus, Bellonia...).
> endemic to Tabriz, Iran, or so I´ve heard. It would warm my heart if it
> seen more often in cultivation. I still cant guarantee that I will succeed
> wth the pollination though, becouse Ive never tried before:)
> If you would like to have seed from this plant, then please write to me
> say so.
> Best regards/ Joakim
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