Dear Jim, Isn't it enough that this South African plant from the winter rainfall area is still alive in your colder climate? You want it to bloom too? Weedy is the operative word for many of the Chasmanthes in a Mediterranean climate. I think you have to watch them. Jim Robinett gave me a number of different species (Chasmanthe floribunda, C. bicolor, C. floribunda 'Duckittiae' (I've seen several different spellings) when he had to get rid of his bulb collection and I planted them in one of the warmer sunnier parts of my garden where they grew very big and took up more and more space, but never flowered. In the Color Encyclopedia there is a note that these plants do best in rich loamy substrates and respond well to added water and feeding. They didn't get any of that in my garden. They got dug out last year to make room for plants smaller than would bloom. On the other hand I see Chasmanthe floribunda in huge clumps in bloom on my walks in my neighborhood so I'm not clear why it didn't bloom for me. The deer have gotten some of my neighbor's blooms, but not all. Bob took a picture of one blooming on my street and I've added it to the wiki. It's a little tricky to photograph I think. I had the yellow one mentioned above I originally purchased from Bioquest for about ten years and it bloomed briefly twice during that time before I removed it. On the other hand Chasmanthe aethiopica is a reliably bloomer in my garden although it does not bloom as early as it does in South Africa where it can be a fall bloomer. It blooms for me late winter-early spring. In fact it is blooming now. It doesn't get as big as C. floribunda, but I'm sure could expand more than you wanted if you didn't watch it. Jim, your messages are all dated March 17. Is this an Irish thing in honor of St. Patrick's Day? Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers