Drimia sp. Somalia

Bonsaigai37@aol.com Bonsaigai37@aol.com
Mon, 08 Mar 2004 17:59:45 PST
If it's the one from OOA Massara, I think that's the one we chatted about 
earlier.  Conclusion was that it is a Ledebouria, probably revoluta although I 
just saw a photograph of another species looking very similar.  I still have to 
check on that lead. I had it grow bulblets from leaf cuttings last summer.  I 
would assume that it would produce growth from scale sections.  Perhaps if you 
treat it like a twin scale, clean cuts, systemic fungucide, almost dry 
perlite sterilized in plastic bags it may grow.  Try two methods to be on the safe 
side.  You might consider one in open air or lightly covered, in perlite.

Be well,

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