Favorite Orange Flowered Bulbs--TOW

Jim Shields jimshields46060@yahoo.com
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 06:22:40 PST
At the moment, my favorite orange flower is probably Clivia miniata, since we are touring southern California visiting clivia growers.  You  can follow our journeys on the North American Clivia Society web site at:  http://www.northamericancliviasociety.org/  Just click the link to "Tour 2004"   There are even a few pictures of clivia in bloom there.
It is amazing how many variations on the color "orange" you can see in a large planting of Clivia.  Some of the mass plantings at the Huntington Gardens are very nice just now.
Jim Shields
visiting southern California
Mary Sue wrote:

There hasn't been much participation in this week's topic of the week. Does this mean there aren't many orange flowered bulbs or they just aren't favorites of anyone? When we did yellow flowers, some people said they didn't like yellow flowers and we still had a lot of nominations. We have more than 240 people on this list. Won't some of the rest of you share your favorites? And thanks to all of you who have.

Jim Shields                                 USDA Zone 5  AHS Heat Zone 6
Shields Gardens Ltd.        WWW: http://www.shieldsgardens.com/
P.O. Box 92
Westfield, In 46074, USA
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