Canarina canariensis
Thu, 04 Mar 2004 15:58:20 PST
Dear All,

Canarina is a beautiful plant but can be tricky and I had failures before. 
Seedlings need a certain tuber size before they flower and this may take 
several years. Also it is important not to keep them too warm in spring as 
warmth induces dormancy, if this happens too early in the season tuber growth 
will be poor and the tuber will be prone to rotting. Also the tuber must not be 
kept totally dry when dormant, even with watering in summer growth will not 
start, it has a very precise timing for winter growth. I have seen cultivated 
plants in German Botanical Gardens more than 3m high (or long)

Canarina canariensis is not an epiphyte. All the wild plants I saw in habitat 
were definetely terrestrial but in a soil with good humus content, some also in 
rock pockets. Most grew on steep slopes together with bracken and rubus in 
disturbed places or in endemic canarian laurel formation in more unspoilt 
They grow in relatively high altitudes in the cloud belt forests where it is 
moist and cool all year (I have never been there in summer but it will not be 
hot and dry there) I wonder if the tuber and the summer dormancy are a relic 
from either a differnt climate or from ancestors that came form a typical 
mediterranean climate. Maybe there is a botanist out there who can answer this. 
In its present habitat it does neither "need" nor tuber nor dormancy. I think 
the plant never gets any frost, I find it extremely sensitive to frost, even 
cold air currents when opening the greenhouse door during hard frosts has 
caused leaf burn on my plant that growns near the door.

A picture and more text can be seen…

Sorry for my picture being out of focus, I did not notice that when sending it. 
I looked at Bill Dykes plant which is magnifident!

bye for today, Uli

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