Dear All, Uli who is back from his travels asked me to make a wiki page for him and to add text he had written and a picture of his Canarina canariensis. He has a new digital camera so may be contributing more pictures in the future. He has written more text than we usually do on the wiki, but his text is very interesting. There don't seem to be very many species in this genus and I don't know if anyone grows any of the others or even how to find out about them so we probably don't need to leave room. I also added a Bill Dijk picture I had of this plant.… Bill sent me seed one year which I shared with a couple of people (both seeds and the plants since it germinated really well and I didn't think I'd have room for all of them.) Mine continue to come back every year and look healthy but they haven't ever grown in the way that Uli describes, nor have they bloomed. We are talking a couple of feet tall each year, not scrambling on anything. I am wondering what they need I am not providing. Mary Sue