Hyacinthella dalmatica

Antennaria@aol.com Antennaria@aol.com
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 09:43:57 PST
I'm smitten with Jane McGary's photo of Hyacinthella dalmatica.  Jane, can you tell us a little something about it, how hardy is it for example.  Is there a seed source you know of.  The plump azure knobs of bloom, nearly at the soil surface, show this to be a true rock garden treasure.

Mark McDonough        
Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States  
"New England", near New Hampshire  
USDA Zone 5
website: http://www.plantbuzz.com/
alliums, bulbs, penstemons, hardy hibiscus, 
western american alpines, iris, plants of all 

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