Spring chickens -- they

DaveKarn@aol.com DaveKarn@aol.com
Tue, 23 Mar 2004 08:35:24 PST
In a message dated 23-Mar-04 6:36:23 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
jimmckenney@starpower.net writes:

> You know the expression "money is the root of all evil"? If, as I did, you
> used this expression as a child and were told that the correct form is
> "love of money is the root of all evil" 

Jim ~

I rather like Mark Twain's interpretation -- "the lack of money is the root 
of all evil".

Dave Karnstedt

P.S.  Interesting tidbit about the Griesebach's.  Which one is president of 
the American Orchid Society?

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