Dear Lee, I enjoyed looking at your pictures. You can never see too many variants of Moraea villosa in my mind. I just added this sentence to the wiki. "It can be purple, lilac, sometimes pink or orange or even cream or white with yellow nectar guides on the outer tepals outlined in broad bands of dark color." So I think your unknown is a villosa. I suppose a lot of the ones pictured on our page could be hybrids too. 'Zoe' probably is. I've turned that one around successfully (purchased from Bill Dijk in Pasadena) and it is blooming right now and looking great! I don't know anyone who grows that orange one pictured in the Moraea book, but it would make anyone's favorite list I'd think. I also added a darker purple villosa to the wiki we saw at Gordon Summerfield's in South Africa. Bob took one picture head on and I thought at first it was a different version of M. loubseri, but it had this yellow band so that didn't seem right and then I saw another picture that made it clear what it was. I also added a picture of M. lugubris we saw at Gordon's if anyone wants to see what it looks like. >… I am finding Moraea aristata is naturalizing in my garden. It is appearing in all sorts of spots. I had a conversation with Mary Stobie in South Africa about her efforts to protect this species, only now found in South Africa on the Observatory grounds. She couldn't plant any other Moraeas there so as not to disturb the gene pool. So far the ones appearing in my garden all look the same, but I suppose that could change. I didn't find your new Sprekelia on the Sprekelia page so suspect you forgot to add it. Mary Sue