Dear Member of the Pacific Bulb Society discussion list, Happy Spring !! During the last year PBS members were very generous about donating seeds, bulbs, corms, etc. to the BX for sharing with other members. In many cases, the quantity of materials that was donated was plentiful, and there is some left over. Everything has been refrigerated and should still be viable. Extra seed from the Pacific Bulb Society: Bulb and Seed Exchange (BX) is available now for HALF PRICE to ALL members of this list. The price is US$1.00 per packet, to cover s&h. Availability is on a first-come, first-served system. Order as many packets as you like. A bill will accompany your shipment. Please send payment in US funds: check (to: Pacific Bulb Society), or cash to the address on the bill. Please select from the attached list and send your requests to: Dell Sherk, Director, PBS BX PO Box 224 Holicong, PA 18928 USA OR - email: Be sure to include your mailing address.