[Gphiles] PBS Sinningia page

piaba piabinha@yahoo.com
Tue, 23 Mar 2004 07:37:30 PST
hi john,

a follow up on your page.

first, there's an old misunderstanding about S.
leucotricha being a synonym of S. canescens.  unfort.,
many years ago, someone misidentified plants of
leucotricha based on erroneous examination of
herbarium material of canescens.  the dried up
specimen looked very similar and this scientist
assumed they were the same.  because canescens was the
older name, it took precedence and leucotricha was
subsumed as a junior synonym.  later, it's been
discovered that they were not the same, and canescens
is a much rarer plant in cultivation.  while young, it
produces the same silvery furry leaves but as it grows
older, canescens is much greener.  the flowers are
also different but i can't recall exactly how. 
incidentally, there's another silver furred leafed
Sinningia, S. globulosa, sometimes still labeled as
'lanata,' its old provisional name.

this confusion is prevalent, and i've seen many
nurseries in europe offering leucotricha as canescens.
 at the recent philly flower show, there were also a
few leucotrichas shown as canescens.  to add to the
confusion, there are hybrid plants being grown as
leucotricha.  i saw a plant at the CT C&S show a few
years back as leucotricha but it was clearly a hybrid
with other Sinningia species.

this confusion is similar to the one between macropoda
and lineata.  while the two species are not
particularly similar-looking, many plants of lineata
were introduced as macropoda in the past.  

as for the plant labeled S. stricta, as i said before,
stricta is a junior synonym of elatior.  however,
alain chautems has identified the plant in that pic as
warmingii.  below is the message from the
gesneriphiles list.  the plate he refers to is a
painting of "Gesneria stricta," i.e. elatior, whereas
the pic is the one in the IBS site (labeled as
stricta, but really should be warmingii).

tsuh yang

Hi folks,
Just picked the message from the Archives. I have been
off the list for 
last 6 weeks. Had a very good trip in Brazil, little
time spent in the
field, but very fruitfull contacts with several
students involved in
Gesneriaceae studies there.
About the original plate, is is Sinningia elatior,
without any doubt.
The picture from Argentina is clearly Sinningia
warmingii. I have seen
several herbarium collections from Paraguay and
Corrientes where as the
author of the picture commented S. tubiflora and S.
warmingii are in 
same area! Ron Myhr's eyes spotted one of the
difference between the 2
species: corolla tube is dorsally curved in S. elatior
and straight in 
All the best,

Dr. Alain Chautems
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques
de la Ville de Genève
C.P. 60
CH-1292 Chambésy/GE

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