Dear Colleagues; HERBERTIA is an international journal devoted to the botany and horticultural science of geophytic plants, published annually by the International Bulb Society <… >. A special emphasis of the journal is the Amaryllidaceae and other petaloid monocot families rich in bulbous or cormous plants, but articles treating any aspects of dicotyledenous geophytes are welcome as well. Articles in HERBERTIA may be refereed (peer-reviewed) or non-refereed. Articles of a scientific nature (e.g., taxonomy, plant physiology) will usually be sent to at least two appropriate reviewers. Authors wishing to insure that their contributions will be peer-reviewed should indicate so upon submission. Peer-reviewed articles are indicated as so with a footnote in publication. HERBERTIA is an excellent forum for scientists to communicate their geophyte research to an intelligent and appreciative lay public. No page charges are assessed, and authors are also encouraged to provide generous amounts of color photographs with their articles without any charge. We are now soliciting articles for the next issue, volume 58. For more information and contributor's guidelines (also available on the web site), please contact the editor, Alan W. Meerow, USDA-ARS-SHRS, 13601 Old Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33158; voice: 305 254-3635; Fax: 305 238-9330; e-mail < > ----------------------------- Alan W. Meerow, Ph.D., Research Geneticist and Systematist USDA-ARS-SHRS, National Germplasm Repository 13601 Old Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33158 USA voice: (305) 254-3635 fax: (305) 969-6410 email: