Iris foliage

Barbara Weintraub
Sat, 13 Mar 2004 19:44:20 PST
One of the ironies of this discussion is that, like all characteristics, 
the aesthetics of iris foliage differs with climate. It looks great 
throughout 4 seasons in my garden and provides a much-needed sculptural 
quality that this designer greater appreciates.

I tend to grow everything hard, but I think the real reason is the intense 
high elevation sunlight in Santa Fe.

- Barbara Weintraub
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
at 7000 ft. elevation

>>Iris - NOT a genus noted for its beauty of foliage, although there are a few
>>exceptions (I. confusa and allies, and some of the variegated ones are OK).

Jim Waddick:
>         I know this is a taboo topic, but I agree pretty much with John. 
> The tatty, down right nasty foliage of most bearded iris during most of 
> the garden season is a serious reason for banishing them from the garden.

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