Velthemia seeds

Kathy Stokmanis
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 07:50:08 PST
Because I live in a relatively mild climate I tried winter sowing the Velthemia I purchased through PBS last fall and nothing happened.  When I read about the paper towel method I immediately brought them inside and poked around a little.  I found several seeds and placed them in paper towels.  One germinated immediately, the other two took several weeks.  I also placed the pots in a warm place.  Germination has been very spread out (months, so don't give up on the old seeds, Mary Sue) but I now have at least eight leaves showing.  I think the initial cold slowed them down.

Kathy Stokmanis
Zone 8/9, no snow this winter, a few light frosts and 50+ inches of rain.  Currently it is 20 degrees F warmer than usual (records falling every day) and I am worried that the seedling bulbs will go into premature dormancy and not survive the summer.

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