Dear Lauw, that old Narcissus hybrid we talked time ago is actually Grand Primo and not Early Pearl (which is very similar but differs in having the cup chaning from yellow to white in the days and flowers early than Grand Primo). I have sorted out this after consulting some US books ( 'Bulbs for warm climates' by T.M.Howard and 'Garden bulbs for the South' by S.Ogden) and several corrispondences with dr.Henry Shejbal of Floriana Bulbose nursery in Italy (which has grown over 1.300 Narcissus varieties in 30 years of activity) and other IBS members. The only sad new is that most of part of these plants are virused (and mine are too) and being sterile there's no way to recreate this hybrid, unless from meristem culture. In spite of the virosis the plants are so vigorous to grow and multiply strongly. best wishes Angelo