Dear all, Jane McGary has been busy adding a lot of new images to the wiki. Some of them are Fritillarias and I could see that our Fritillaria page was getting long and would be getting longer so I have made a new page for the North American species and removed them from the other page:… Those people who have added pictures before of species from North America don't panic, they are not lost. New pictures on the new wiki page are of Fritillaria biflora, Fritillaria pudica, and F. roderickii. Jane has added the picture of F. pudica and I added pictures of the other two. I am so thrilled as for the first time after trying to grow many of these North American species, both purchased adult bulbs and from seed, I'm going to have blooms from three species this year that have not bloomed before. Yea! So I may have more pictures to add later. Also I'm going to have blooms from Erythroniums grown from seed for the first time and my first yellow Clivia from seed (actually my first ever Cliva to bloom at all.) We have discussed Fritillaria roderickii on this list before. Mine was grown from seed that came from plants rescued from the Mendocino Coast. None of us can find any left of the coastal plants any more. Since some people think the inland plants may be different and those were the only two spots these plants were still found, they may be lost. We are talking about trying to reintroduce them again. So it is probably good that I could not get blooms in the past from any of the other species as my seed from this species should be pure. I chose to call it like I did instead of going with F. grayana or F. biflora var. biflora just because there are a number of people who feel this should be a separate species and the state of California still recognizes this name. My F. biflora is a much taller plant, much earlier to bloom, does not have the lighter markings, and does not have rice grains like F. roderickii has. F. roderickii offsets a lot while F. biflora does not. I don't know if anyone has done dna testing on the two. But as long as I have added the synonyms hopefully anyone who wonders will know which plant I am talking about. There are also new additions to the Fritillaria page:… I have added images of Fritillaria bithynica that was a BX from Jane McGary and Jane has added images of Fritillaria ariana and Fritillaria pinardii. I always think of Jack Elliott when it comes to Fritillaria and it was his enthusiasm about this species that made me want to try growing it. I'm sure he'd be pleased that more information and pictures are appearing on the wiki. Mary Sue