Hobbyist vs Superb Bulb Grower

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Mon, 08 Mar 2004 16:45:42 PST

I can't let the statement below pass.

>I would claim that Mary Sue is an example of one who is in the category of 
>"superb bulb grower" (or expert hobbyist as I would classify it); after 
>all, she *knows* all the correct scientific names of all the species she 
>has grown or has seen

Not true. I used to think of myself as a bulb addict, someone in need of 
help, but after meeting Gordon Summerfield and Alan Horstmann in South 
Africa who described themselves as passionate about bulbs I decided that 
sounds oh so much nicer. I kill bulbs regularly, have seeds that never come 
up, and bulbs I can't identify. I am still trying to figure out bulbs that 
I don't think are rightly named. I get farther in the keys these days, but 
often get to a point that stops me in my tracks.

Because of all the helpful information I have been able to pick up first 
from the IBS list when I was still a part of it and then the ABA lists and 
finally the pbs list my knowledge has expanded enormously. Meeting people 
and seeing how they grow bulbs has been a huge help as well. I still have 
much to learn and do not consider myself an expert, just enthusiastic.

Mary Sue

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