Helicodiceros /Dracunculus?

Lauw de Jager dejager@bulbargence.com
Wed, 24 Mar 2004 09:52:19 PST
The leaves appear now and disaapear in June. On the subject of the Creamy
Narcissus with the pale yellow cup(just finished flowering now): you called
it at first  Early Peer; I seem to remember that you found an other name for
it.  Can you confirm the name please

le 22/03/04 19:56, Angelo Porcelli à angelopalm69@inwind.it a écrit :
>you have Helicodiceros still set on the normal growing cycle. Mine are indeed

Lauw de Jager
Mas d'Argence
30300 Fourques France
tel 31(0)466 016 519  fax 0466 011 245

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