Hi all, I have uploaded a couple of images to the wiki which are approaching orange in colour. The first is Tigridia pavonia a self tangerine colour. I wanted some red T pavonia's so selected some seed from a nice red flower in a friends garden. From this seed pod I have had some reds with a pale centre as well as self yellows and this flower. Last year I crossed Tigridia pavonia with the plant formerly known as Rigidella orthantha (now Tigridia) and harvested 2 seeds which have both germinated. I hope there might be a self red Tigridia in the offspring. http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/files/… My flower of Lycoris sanguinea is more burnt orange or apricot than the blood colour its name suggests. http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/files/… The cultural discussions on this forum have helped me greatly with this genus with flowers the obvious reward. I have posted an image of Lycoris incarnata which together with L sanguinea is flowering for the first time after quite a few years in my posession. http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/files/… Cheers, Rob in Tasmania