
Lauw de Jager dejager@bulbargence.com
Mon, 22 Mar 2004 08:42:50 PST
Dear Jim and  all,
  It grows very easy in the ground (zone 8 mediterranean) and is just coming
out at the moment. Multiplies very well as it produces numerous small
tubers. Very similar to Dracunculus vulgaris. I thought the genus
Helicodorus had been  sunk into Dracunculus?

le 22/03/04 5:59, James Waddick à jwaddick@kc.rr.com a écrit :
> I am glad we are having a mini-round of comments on
> Helicodideros, a monotypic Mediterranean Aroid. I got a couple small
> tubers and grew them in a large pot for a few years as follows:
> Wintered in a frost free, but cool greenhouse. Summers outdoors in
> full sun and hot and dry after the foliage goes dormant in
> mid-summer. It first bloomed last year. Altough I could only detect a
> slight unpleasant odor, others were appalled. The flower is most
> amazing in structure as Angelo has shown, but he does not do justice
> to incredibly convoluted leaves. Like a bizarre origami project, the
> leaves are a 3 dimensional array or points, horns and surfaces.
> Definitely worth growing for the foliage alone.
> I have tried growing in outdoors here, but it has never
> proven hardy, unlike the closely related Dracunculus vulgaris which
> is coming up outdoors right now. Helicodiceros is coming up in the
> cold greenhouse and when the last chance of frost is over it will
> come out into full sun. It relishes ample water as it is growing, but
> dry later.
> This is a plant that was something of a challenge to obtain,
> but I have been fortunate to find the right growing conditions and
> spread a few propagules around. I'd love to grow it in a slightly
> milder climate outdoors.

Lauw de Jager
South of France (zone 8 Olivier)

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