Hi folks, I posted 3 photos of Allium hookeri var. muliense, an unusual species from China, inhabiting forest margins and moist meadows in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, at 2800 - 4200 m elevation. The species in unique in having up to 8-9 leaves in fine condition at flowering, the plant looking more like a hemerocallis than an allium, until the ball of bright yellow flowers appear in June and early July. The flower stem is approximately 2'-4" tall (70 cm). This species grows from thick fleshy roots attached to narrow cylindric bulbs. http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… Also, I updated a photo of Eremurus stenophyllus, removing the old photo and inserting the new one. This year my plant had 12 magnificent flowering spikes, and was a true sensation. Photo located at: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States antennaria@aol.com "New England" USDA Zone 5 ============================================== >> web site under construction - http://www.plantbuzz.com/ << alliums, bulbs, penstemons, hardy hibiscus, western american alpines, iris, plants of all types!