Dear All and especially Jane, My husband took a picture of a plant clearly named Paradisea lusitanica at Wisley so I thought since this genus had been discussed in relationship to Anthericum and because Jane said she'd have seed of it, I'd put that picture on the wiki. Looking at the pictures on the net and my books there is amazingly different pictures illustrating the same plant and they can't all be correct. I can see why people would send in wrongly labeled seeds as what is correct is not clear. In fact our pictures of plants clearly labeled Paradisea lustanica at Wisley Gardens and Anthericum liliago at Kew are hard for me to tell apart and I'm wondering if they are correctly named. Jane, please look at the new pictures and see if they look like the Paradisea lusitanica you grow and make any needed changes in the descriptions on the wiki. I am totally confused. And looking at Paradisea in a couple of reference books I see P. liliastrum and P. lusitanicum or P. lusitanica. Looking at the index I see that P. lusitanica is the correct spelling, but doesn't that make the endings different for the two species. Perhaps you can elaborate on that too.…… Mary Sue