Well, it turns out that Streuwelpeter/Stuwwelpeter was not the only slip of the typing fingers in that post. When I merrily poked fun at the "euphonically challenged " who use the spelling aneupolids, I was a bit orthographically challenged myself: I should have typed "aneuploids". Isn't any one reading these posts? I've given all of you three opportunities (the Streuwelpeter/Stuwwelpeter thing, the misspelling aneupolid, and catchiest of all the aeuploid/aneuploid issue) to jump in and straighten me out, and no one has taken any of them! I'll attribute it to aestival lassitude. Someone please at least take the bait on the aeuploid/aneuploid thing so I can do my piece on that. Jim McKenney jimmckenney@starpower.net Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where the miasma has kept me in for the last few days.