allium guttatum ssp. sardoum
Tue, 06 Jul 2004 18:58:17 PDT
Arnold Trachtenberg <> writes:

>Actually I have sphaerocephalon at the other end of 
>the bed and they are almost the same size.  The 
>guttatum is about two to three  inches shorter.  It is 
>a first year planting so it may get bigger once it 
>settles in.

Hmm, you didn't say what the height is, just a relative difference.

A couple things to consider.  A. sphaerocephalon can vary from relative 
giants (nearly 5'), on average growing about 3-1/2', to much shorter forms, even 
dwarf ones, and at least one prostrate form that Brian Mathew has identified.  
Most times when I've grown sphaerocephalon, it's been about 3' - 3.5 feet (90 - 
105 cm).  Also, this species, like many alliums, responds to soil and 
moisture conditions to an alarming extent.  So, dry, poor or sandy soils might yeild 
plants only 2' tall, the same bulbs grown in rich, moist yet well drained soil 
might be double that size.

Regarding Allium guttatum ssp. sardoum and ssp. dalmaticum (white and purple 
color variants respectively), both reach the same height for me, about 18" - 
24" (45 - 60 cm), and is a rather smaller plant than sphaerocephalon, unless of 
course, one of the other growth and genetic factors is present.  Of course I 
grow them in very sandy, dryish soil.  This year, only one bulb of each 
subspecies has returned to flower, and I might need to replenish the stock soon.  
It's available from Pacific Rim Nursery.

Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States "New England" USDA Zone 5
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