Rain lily day, new photos

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@starpower.net
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 21:22:29 PDT
At 10:33 AM 7/14/2004 -0400, Jay  Yourch wrote:
>Here is a list of the rain lilies blooming in my garden today:

Jay, are those plants outside all year around?

Although we are both nominally zone 7, I have trouble keeping Zephyranthes
through the winter outside here. Maybe I'm not planting them deep enough. 

I get a scattering of bloom, but I've never had an honest-to-goodness rain
lily day here. 

Do you have any suggestions for growing these outside? Do you take any
particular precautions with them?

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7 where the zehpyrs blew in
yesterday with plenty of cooler, drier air - I may even go outside today.

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