Like Mark McDonough, I enjoy Anthericum ramosum in the garden, and also its relative, A. liliago subsp. major. However, you should know that these plants self-sow pretty enthusiastically, and the seedlings are tenacious. They are deciduous, but the thick clumps of slender leaves remain green through most of the summer and act as a foliage contrast among shrubs and large-leaved plants. They do best in sun but tolerate shade. If you order seed of Paradisea liliastrum from a seed exchange or a commercial seed company such as Jelitto or T&M, you're likely to get Anthericum liliago instead. I haven't succeeded in growing P. liliastrum well, but I have P. lusitanica doing well in a dry part of the garden and will have seed to send to the NARGS exchange this year. Jane McGary Northwestern Oregon, USA