Calydorea wiki page

Mary Sue Ittner
Tue, 08 Apr 2003 12:06:36 PDT
Dear All,

I made a Calydorea page for Lyn Edward's image of Calydorea amabilis, the 
one that bloomed and bloomed for me last summer as long as I was diligent 
about deadheading it (July-October). I looked back on what Alberto wrote me 
for the topic of the week for Calydorea for the IBS forum to add some of 
this information to the wiki and I see this plant is supposed to be dormant 
in summer but I guess I forgot to tell it.

I asked Germán Roitman if I could add an old Calydorea picture of his to 
the wiki to keep Lyn's company and he has responded by adding quite a few 
pictures of Calydoreas and some text too. So those of you who don't know 
much about this South American Irid may want to go look at the wiki page 
below. Thanks to Germán for helping out.…

Mary Sue
PBS List Administrator

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