Dell Sherk dells@voicenet.com
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 08:49:07 PDT
Dear All,

    It is once again, the season for planting. This also means that many of
us will be dividing and repotting bulbs. And seed will be ripening on plants
which grew during the last six months in both hemispheres. The PBS BX (Bulb
and Seed Exchange) was a huge success in our first year because members were
enormously generous with their extra plant material. We hope that you will
do your part to help us have another good growing year by donating bulbs,
corms, and geophyte seeds as well as seeds of plants which you think are
especially successful growing with bulbs in your gardens.
    Send clean, clearly labeled materials to Dell Sherk, PO Box 224,
Holicong, PA, USA. Donors will receive credit for their postage expenses on
future BX offerings.

Good growing,

--Dell Sherk, Director, Pacific BX

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