Rhodophiala pictures

Matthew Gale Matthewgale@btopenworld.com
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 06:53:52 PST
Thanks for this, Pascal! I have to admit that I was ready to believe that H.
brachyandrus had been re-classified; but then I guess I am still quite
inexperienced when it comes to identifying these plants.

While I know some of the characteristics which differentiate Habranthus from
Zephyranthes, I don't really know how to differentiate Habranthus from
Rhodophiala. I know that their ranges overlap and, at least at a glance,
some of them are very similar.

I've just been re-reading Alan Meerow et al. The New Phylogeny of the
Amaryllidaceae in Herbertia 54 (1999) because I wanted to check how their
results affect the question of Rhodophiala genetics. I was really interested
to see that Rhodophiala isn't monophyletic and that R. bagnoldii and bifida
are in a separate grouping from the rest of the genus. I've been told that
Rhodophiala possess a chromosome count that's quite different from other
rainlilies, but I'm curious about whether the two different groups of
Rhodophiala in Alan's article possess the same number of chromosomes?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pascal Vigneron" <v_pascal@club-internet.fr>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Rhodophiala pictures

> Hi  Matthew & All,
> What I have understood:
> The picture of "Rhodophiala andicola" in the IBS Gallery was
> The picture is actualy Habranthus brachyandrus.
> So correction, but with a new mistake: "Rhodophiala brachyandrus".
> Habranthus brachyandrus has not been moved to Rhodophiala.
> Well, I have made the correction in my own page Rhodophiala (and
> and I have add a link regarding "ananucas" i.e. Rhodophiala.
> http://cascada-expediciones.com/mnu2/gallery/…
> The various species are not identified but it's interresting to see
> how Rhodos grow in the "flowered desert" from Chile.
> Regards,
> Pascal

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