No Seattle meeting :-(
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 16:36:17 PDT
Hi all,

As some of you know, PBS officers have been considering the possibility of a 
meeting in Seattle this year.  I'm sorry to report that it simply won't be 
feasible.  Vicki, our membership chair, was doing an excellent job coordinating 
the meeting for us, but when her work schedule changed she just couldn't manage 
it.  Without our local contact, the planning became too difficult.

Perhaps next year we'll be able to organize something, especially if our 
membership continues to grow.  In the meantime, let me encourage all of you to 
organize small, local meetings between yourselves!  For all of us in So Cal, I 
know Cathy Craig plans to host a shindig relatively soon.  Hamish Sloan is busy 
planning a UK-member get-together.

To assist you in organizing such a function, Marguerite will be including a 
membership list when she mails out the next issue of "The Bulb Garden."  So 
flip through it and locate members in your general area!  

Whenever Cathy has her get-together, I plan to attend, so I hope to have the 
chance to meet a lot of our So Cal members - and anyone else who happens to be 
in town.

PBS Treasurer

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