Nectaroscordum (Bulbs for Continental climates) + wiki pix
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 21:32:53 PDT
James Waddick <> wrote:

>Nectaroscordum siculum - I planted 3 or 4 and 
>only one  survived and slowly grew to bloom and 
>now is putting up a half dozen spikes of weird, 
>but wonderful flower heads. Not to everyone's taste. 
>Wish there were more colorful cvs.  Anyone know 
>of improvements? Don't recall much mention of 
>this, is it widely grown?"

I can relate to Jim's description of "weird but wonderful flower heads".  I'm 
not sure why this plant is "not to everyone's taste", but it certainly 
appears to be the case that some people don't like Nectaroscordum.  I find 
the genus fascinating, stately, a bit coarse but impressive in flower, and 
whimsical in leaf.

Regarding improvements or other species, I refer readers to the website, click on "Descriptive Catalog", then select 
Nectaroscordum, for a bit more information on the "siculum" vs. "bulgaricum 
confusion.  There is another species that's much harder to find, namely N. 
tripetale, with rich pink flowers, and reportedly it's a real stunner. 

I have posted three good images of N. siculum to the PBS wiki, under a new 
Nectaroscordum page, located at:…

Mark McDonough        Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States    "New England"               USDA Zone 5
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     alliums, bulbs, penstemons, hardy hibiscus, western 
            american alpines, iris, plants of all types!

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