Dear All, I grow several Ferrarias. I finally put Ferraria uncinata in the ground as in a bed it soon overwhelmed everything else. And my Ferraria crispa var. nortieri has been blooming for a long time. Of the ones I grow it is the one I like the best because it doesn't get so big and need staking and I like the blooms. I think the one Jennifer is growing pictured on the Wiki is really cute however and there are others that intrigue me. For all the pictures look at the wiki page.… A number of years ago I tried to see if I could get Ferraria to grow on a summer schedule after reading that a man in Seattle had managed to do that finding it happier without so much cold dark rainy weather when in growth. I wasn't able to get any seed to come up to see if I could get a crop growing on the wrong cycle. Some I withheld water for didn't choose to come up in summer either. They just waited for a time for their liking. Bonaventure, the man in Seattle was able to convert these winter growers into summer growers so it can be done so perhaps you could just pretend you are in the southern hemisphere and start them in growth now and keep them well watered all summer and have them go dormant in the fall. He felt it was not day length or temperature but water that triggered the growth. So he grew his in large pots in summer and piled them on the basement floor in winter. They aren't very hardy I have found. If you followed his advice in your climate you'd keep them growing the wrong season. I'd be interested in finding out if anyone else would have the same success so you'll have to keep us informed. Mary Sue