[BULBS-L] [pbs] Continetal climes pt. II

Jamie jamievande@freenet.de
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 14:07:25 PDT

from my experience, most Narcissus do not like to bake and dry in the
Summer.  How this rumour got started is beyond me as most Narcissus hybrids
are descended from meadow species, which appreciate good sun, but also
require continued moisture.  My best clumps are near water or in my lawn,
which is damp clay, only drying for a few weeks in the hottest part of
Summer, when it gets irrigated.  I would suggest watering your plants and
see what happens.  They are relatively heavy feeders, as well.

By the way, I'm glad you have taken the time to make all these notes, it
helps me a great deal to understand required growing conditions.  Thanks!

Jamie V.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Floral Artistry" <floralartistry2000@YAHOO.COM>
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 3:34 AM
Subject: [BULBS-L] [pbs] Continetal climes pt. II

> So, where did I leave off, oh yes.
> Daffodils, what a disappointment. The area along the
> drive that was naturalized with 800 bulbs bloomed
> beautifully the first year. Now I can count on one had
> the amount of blooms out there. I know the area is
> mostly clay but it really bakes in the he summer which
> I thought they liked. I am going to cover the area
> with gypsum to try to open the soil to see if that
> helps. The ones in the mulch around the base of the
> trees are doing great. They are 'White Lion' and
> increase and bloom great every year. Why don't the
> 'King Alfred'?
> I do get blooms on the bulbocodium, 'Tete a Tete', and
> "Golden Bells" which look like the bulbocodium but I
> never really put them under close inspection to tell
> if there is a difference.

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