Dear All: Babianas are among the most rewarding of all South African bulbous plants. It is difficult to add anything to Rachel’s superb introduction. I have grown Babianas here for decades (roughly zone 9b). They need full sun and a good summer baking when dormant. They are in clay pots 16 cm in diameter in raised beds 30 cm tall. The plunging material among pots is very gritty. I have chosen clay pots not because they were any better than plastic (actually they are worse for this kind of bulbs) but it was a lot easier to find them the same size than were plastic pots. For the sake of tidiness it looks better if all the pots in the raised beds are the same size. These pots are only 16 cm tall and although Babianas are better in really big pots they can be grown to perfection in this size (the minimum size, in smaller pots they lack depth). I mention. Mix in the pots are commercial compost, crushed rock and coarse perlite in equal proportions. Corms must be planted deep as the buried portion of the stem produces offsets and this way the possibilities of a small clump forming are increased. They do well with very little fertilizer and are susceptible to few pests (mostly red spider mite). Flowers are gorgeous and all the species without exception have a charm their own that make them very interesting, not to mention that some are downright stunning. The foliage that is similar in all species is hairy and pleated and is attractive on its own. Species would hybridise easily and hybrids are fantastic in a range of colors that are not present in the species. Babiana species and hybrids are long lived. I have grown most of the species and they are undemanding under our conditions (full sun and mostly frost free in tunnels). Some can be half hardy in a protected sunny spot perhaps to zone 9. Those from Namaqualand demand more care as to perfect drainage and frost free conditions. Babianas are susceptible to viruses particularly one propagated in Watsonias and that affect other irids like Freesia, Ixia and Sparaxis. Those problems mentioned by Mary Sue, Jim and others are caused by lack of warmth and lack of light intensity. Much recommended for zones 8-10 both in greenhousse and in the open. All the best Alberto _________________________________________________________________ Charla con tus amigos en línea mediante MSN Messenger: