Crocus image - question for Arnold NJ

Tue, 01 Apr 2003 18:32:02 PST

Our weather here has gone from bad to worse.  We had an inch or two of 
snow last night and seeing the daffodils surrounded by snow is indeed 

In Brian Mathew's Crocus he describes Crocus thomasii as follows:

"Flowers autumnal, fragrant 1-2(-3), pale to deep lilac, generally not 
strongly veined darker but sometimes veined or stained towards the base 
of the segments with violet; throat pale yellow, pubescent.  Prophyll 
present.  Bract and bracteole very unequal, white, membranous with long 
tapered tips.  Perianth tube 3-6(-8) cm long: segments 2-4.5 cm long, 
0.7-1.5 cm wide, elliptical, obovate or oblanceolate, acute or obtuse.

Filaments 5-8 mm long, usually pale yellow, glabrous or finely pubescent 
at the base: anthers 9-13 mm long, yellow.  Style divided at a variable 
point, usually ranging from just below or level with  the base of the 
anthers to about a quarter of the way up the anthers, into 3 bright red 
branches, each 0.7-2 cm long, half or less than half the length of the 
perianth segments, expanded gradually to the apex."

Maybe Jane can discuss the source of her bulbs.

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