Habranthus estensis

Marguerite English meenglis@cts.com
Mon, 07 Apr 2003 11:48:18 PDT
    Lovely, Germán.  Thanks for sharing.
At 02:48 PM 4/7/2003 -0300, you wrote:
>plant of Habranthus estensis produce a spathe with 4 flowers, not only one 
>but two plants do the same thing. Apparently is not uncommon in the wild 
>and probably it has to do with bulb reserve, anyway its good to know the 
>plants are growing healthy.

Marguerite English,   Editor: 'The Bulb Garden'
Gardening in USDA zone 7, 3500 feet in the mountains east of San Diego, 
Ca., US of A.

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