Oxalis in bloom

Paul Tyerman ptyerman@ozemail.com.au
Thu, 03 Apr 2003 05:31:52 PST
Mary Sue,

>Since Paul Tyerman just had a bulb blooming in Australia that he thought 
>was this species I wanted to show him and everyone else what the real thing 
>looks like. The leaves I find attractive and it is a low mat but I wonder 

Thanks.  By the looks of it it is a solitary flower rather than a head of
flowers?  As Alberto said, mine is an O. bowiei 'Giant Form'.  I now have
the normal bowiei coming into bud so it will be interesting to see what it
looks like in comparison.  Certainly every part of it so far looks around
half the size of the other one, so I am assuming heads of around 2cm wide
flowers instead of the 4cm wide flowers on my Giant form.  Your
brasiliensis looks to be a lovely colour..... I really must look out for
that around the place.  

My outside windowsill where I grow the majority of my Oxalis is a positive
blaze of colour with O. carnosa, polyphylla var heptaphylla, lobata (has
been flowering now for 2 months solid, with not less than around 20 flowers
out at any one time... in a 5 inch pot so it is a wonderful show),
perdicaria, glabra and zoelekeyensis all in flower, plus buds on flava at
the moment.  Plus I have a large pot elsewhere of massoniana in flower and
it is just GORGEOUS!!  It has to be one of my favourites given that lovely
orange.  And then there are the bowiei and Giant form as previously
mentioned..... the list goes on.  And 3 years ago I used to feel that
Oxalis was a weed and would never grow it, my how times change <grin>.

>And just to follow Kelly Irwin's lead and since I don't have a child for 
>scale, I asked my dog to pose next to the pot so you can get a sense of the 
>size. I didn't put this picture on the Oxalis page. It will expire in a few 

Aaaah but Mary Sue.... now we need to know the breed and ancestry, plus the
exact dimensions of the dog on display (as well as name and whether it
likes lots of pats of course) so that we can fully experience the sense of
size. <grin>  BTW... when you asked your dog to pose for you, did he/she


Paul Tyerman
Canberra, Australia.  USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9

Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus,
Cyrtanthus, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything
else that doesn't move!!!!!

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