Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--Tow

Fri, 11 Apr 2003 09:18:57 PDT
Mary Sue:

Sure does raise the adrenaline level.

I grow a number of tender bulbs as you all have seen from the images 
posted on the Wiki Wiki.  I have a four by three foot stainless steel 
trough with a five inch side that sits under a HID light.  I have three 
inches of gravel in the trough,  I have never  changed the  duration of 
light and dark that the plants receive and they seem to flower on 
schedule as if they were outside.

I do water based on a schedule that approaches the normal water 
availability in the native environment.  Feed most bulbs with a 50% 
african violet plant food.

Those that are summer growers are placed outside for the summer starting 
in the shade and gradually moving into full sun.  This has worked very 
well with boophone disticha and eucomis sp.  after some good advise from 
Ken in SF.

New Jersey

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