OT for Paul

Patricia Brooks pbrooks3@sc.rr.com
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 06:09:18 PDT
Do you have Fibromyalgia?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Tyerman" <ptyerman@ozemail.com.au>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Babiana--TOW

> Howdy All,
> Sorry for being so late with a response to the Babiana TOTW.... I've been
> struggling with Chronic Fatigue badly of late and it means that there can
> be up to a week at a time that I am unable to use the computer.  Better
> late than never I suppose.
> It has been fascinating to read all the info on Babiana.  I certainly
> learned a few bits and pieces from it (which is going to be very handy)
> I shall be potting mine into bigger pots by the sound of it.  I find that
> some of mine are a bit shy to flower, so I am wondering if the shallow
> planting is producing multiplying effects instead of flowering, like in
> some of the Crocus species?
> I have to say that above all, I am so glad that my garden cannot read
> emails.  From the various TOTW and discussions I have so often seen that
> many plants are not supposed to tolerate frost at all..... when I have
> growing happily here in Canberra and getting down to at least -5'C every
> year and sometimes down to -8 or -p'C.  Babianas are no exception and are
> doing fine here whether received as bulbs of as seeds.  The only one I
> grown to flowering from seed is B. pulchra, but there are a couple that
> getting large enough that there may be signs of flowers this season or
> definitely next season.  These have all been grown in small pots and done
> fine, but I can see that some of them have been sitting at the bottom of
> the pots at the end of the season as they obviously weren't happy in such
> shallow pots..... but it certainly hasn't killed them, so if you only have
> space for small pots then at least try them as they're likely to at least
> grow even if they aren't successful in flowering.
> I grow about a dozen or so species now I think, including seedlings, and I
> obviously don't give them the TLC that they are "supposed" to require
> (Being sick so much in the last few years means that I cannot necessarily
> repot when required or look after them as well as I should) but they keep
> on growing.  When happy many of the species multiply VERY well and can
> crowd their pots (small pots in my case as I have said..... I just
> that I had better clarify that as 5 or 6 inch pots that may be normal or
> 'squat' heights, so there isn't a great deal of space for them).
> I really have to say that I have found them easy and trouble free for me
> here.  As I said above, they get down to -5 to -8'C each year, and we get
> to the high 30s -  low 40'C sometimes for quite long periods of time.
> of my pots get watering year around as I have real trouble letting a pot
> dry out in summer (it is just a thing that I can't do.... I feel sorry for
> them <Grin>) but I am gradually training myself to have an area where pots
> are watered less frequently where they require it.  This year I am
> going to try a "dry" area for summer as well, where the pots are seldom if
> ever going to get watered....... but I am not sure I'll be able to do it
> I'll just itch to give the little dears some water.  Certainly I have
> found any problems with Babianas being watered here in summer, nor do they
> mind being knocked out of pots and dried over summer in the garage.  I
> them a real no-trouble plant.
> When I finally get Babiana ringens to flower for me (I have 2 and 3 year
> old seedlings at the moment that are growing along happily for me at the
> moment) then you'll probably all hear the cheer from wherever you are
> <grin>.  That little one is at first glance VERY little like a Babiana
> flower and almost resembles to me a Strelitzia flower in some ways.
> Babiana pygmae on the other hand is a beautiful, upward facing, open, pale
> yellow saucer flower with a dark centre.  The flower is as wide as the
> plant is tall (or at least that was the case when mine flowered this
>  Very striking in the garden and commented on by everyone who saw it
> Anyway, I'd best stop chattering on about them.  I'd definitely recommend
> Babianas as I have found them easy to grow and rewarding when in flower.
> Some of the petal colours and shades, as well as lip markings etc, are
> wonderful and a realy treat when in flower.
> If this message prompts any questions that I need to answer, please bear
> with me if there is a delay.  I am at times unable to use the computer for
> days due to illness, but I will respond when i next get onto the Internet
> and download my email.
> Hopefully this was of some use to someone, and maybe even prompts someone
> to try this genus who hasn't already.  They are definitely WELL worth the
> effort (what little effort that is, or course).
> Cheers.
> Paul Tyerman
> Canberra, Australia.  USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9
> mailto:ptyerman@ozemail.com.au
> Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus,
> Cyrtanthus, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything
> else that doesn't move!!!!!
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