I grow Bonatea speciosa in a large, tall plastic jug perforated in one spot about 2 inches from the bottom. The mix is styrofoam peanuts with some vermiculite and peat moss thrown on top and working its way down. The mix is kept very moist and the bottom 2 inches always filled with water. Growth resumes about this time of the year and the plant will be placed outside to mature under the high shade of trees in my yard. A few hours of direct sun are received during the morning. Brought inside in late October (watching out for early frosts) it is in bloom in December and January. In summer it gets rainwater naturally and flushed with the garden hose on sunny days. A cup full from the manure tea bucket every so often helps it along. Indoors it gets distilled water only. This South African terrestrial orchid has swollen roots sort of like Dahlia tubers. It has not gone completely deciduous for me the last 2 years as it did in the first 2 years that I owned it and has steadily increased the number of stalks it sends up every spring. Bonaventure Magrys Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey