Dear Jamie, There are some summer growing Lachenalias, but most of the ones most of us grow are from winter rainfall areas and bloom winter to late spring. I have one that is just about to bloom for the first time from seed I got from Cameron and Rhoda (sowed 9/30/01) which Rhoda told me to water year round and that I might be able to get to bloom more than once a year, L. campanulata. There are some from summer rainfall areas and I suppose they could have hybridized some, but my guess would be that since you are in a cold climate and most Lachenalias mush in the cold these have been held to plant at the wrong time. It always seems to me that when you get bargains like this one there is no harm in trying to grow out of season. You may not get them to bloom more than once, but that may be enough. Has anyone tried to convert Lachenalia and have it grow at the wrong time of the year? On the other hand you may have success. Don Journet from Australia who is a member of this list may have some advice for you. At one time he was growing more than 90 different kinds. I have saved his very excellent introduction from when I was doing the IBS topic of the week and it may answer some questions. I'll send it to you privately. Mary Sue