Dear Mary Sue: The images of Tropaeolums in the wiki are fantastic. Ernie’s comments are no doubt from experience as Tropaeolums like Alstroemerias and Rhodophialas and a number of other genera are frantic for great depth for their tubers. Propagation is only from seed as they are impossible to dig whole. On the plus side, they can not be plundered by “modern day plant explorers”!. Once the seed germinates as the small tuber starts to develop it searches for the bottom of the container and when it reaches it it starts to fatten and develop. And every year it does the same, going deeper and deeper. They are not really plants for small containers particularly the group you are interested in : incissum, polyphyllum and others. These come from the foothills and mountains in the Andes of Patagonia and S. Chile. They are really plants for cool climates and although in summer when the plants are in full growth day temperatures can be hot at night they are pretty cool. Yes, they spend the long winter under snow so are really only half hardy. When the spring is well advanced and with the defrost they start growing. Besides the profuse flowering mostly in shades of ochrish yellow, it is the greyish foliage that makes them very attractive. Their climate is not really rainy but quite dry, hence their grey leaves. In autum they go dormant as temperatures descend. Ernie mentions their second important demand: a proper mix. In the wild they are invariably found in screes on slopes. This group is only really suitable for cool climates and where their long dry winter dormancy could be respected. Under such conditions they are not difficult. I imagine Jane or John L. could grow them well under “gladiolus culture”. The tubers of all species of Tropaeolums are extremely brittle and if damaged will rot and die. And, they can not be stored without a covering of peat, soil,dry sand, etc. as they dessicate rapidly in the air. Of course it must not be watered while dormant in winter and not given warmth there. Just frost free conditions would be adequate. Regards Alberto _________________________________________________________________ Charla con tus amigos en línea mediante MSN Messenger: