Another Romulea Question

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 13:29:30 PST
Dear All,

When I have time I try to add a little more information on the wiki to go 
with the pictures. I have a question about an image that Lauw supplied for 
a Romulea he called Romulea englerii. I looked it up in my books and 
couldn't find it. I looked it up on the web and can only find references to 
seed exchanges. I found a spelling of Romlea engleri on the site that 
someone recommended for checking out plant names with this one entry.

Iridaceae Romulea engleri Beguinot
in Engl. Jahrb. xxxviii. 324 (1907).

Here is Lauw's picture:…

Anyone with any clues about this plant? Thanks for your help. I decided the 
other Romulea could be R. gigantea even if the keys have a few 
inconsistencies. A lot fits so I have moved it off the Mystery page. So 
thanks to Alberto and Robin for helping with that. Is this a species that 
would grow happily for Tony in the UK if I sent it to him?

Mary Sue

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